Designed to help you quickly get back on the course
While golf might seen like a 'safe' sport, injuries are actually quite common. Injuries to the lower back, shoulder, elbow, knee and hip are common in golf and can be very frustrating and can keep you from playing up to your potential or enjoying the game as much as you could. In worst case scenarios, it might keep you from playing altogether. The good news is that you do not have to just accept this as part of the game and there are actually several things that can be done to address your pain.
“Why is this happening to me?” or “Why am I still dealing with pain after dealing with if for three months (or more)?
Many golfers hope that they'll wake up one morning and "like magic", it'll be as if the pain never happened. Unfortunately if this has been going on for a few months, this isn't likely to happen. Pain can be very frustrating and the longer is goes on the more you start to question why this is happening and wonder if something is significantly wrong.
The longer the pain goes on, the more you start to look for answers. Maybe you you’ve been told different things by friends or family members or have tried to find answers on the internet which often makes things even more confusing and causing more fear in the process. Maybe you think you have to rest. Or, that you should be doing “this exercise” and “that exercise” to make the pain go away. All of this information can make it overwhelming and confusing to know what exactly what to do. And because of this confusion, people procrastinate and put off making a decision about treating their pain. Worse yet, many golfers just end up accepting it as “part of the game” or that it's normal. This couldn't be further from the truth.
If you are currently dealing with Pain while golfing There are several reasons why it could be lasting longer than it should:
You thought the pain would go away on its own, but it hasn't.
You went to the doctor, who told you to rest and take medications—but the pills have only masked the pain, and as soon as they wore off, the pain was right back where it started.
You have continued to try to play through the pain and relying on medications to help get you through the round or relieve the pain afterwards.
You tried other healthcare professionals in the past, but nothing they said or did seemed to help. Or, the exercises given only made the pain worse!
You tried ice, braces, IcyHot and Googled "best exercises", but nothing helped for very long. Ice and stretching felt a bit better in the moment but the pain relief didn't last long.
You decided to try a massage, but while it was relaxing and felt good, it hasn't done anything to fix the pain for more than a couple of hours or days!
Our Process

How Can You Get Rid of the pain in your Game?
Commit to getting some help
First off, make a decision about getting help. So many golfers procrastinate for so long, thinking that the pain will "just go away with time," but then six months down the line they're still putting up with it!
See a Medical Professional Who Understands the Golf Swing
It is crucial that your healthcare provider understands the golf swing and how it relates to the body. Our therapists have invested significant time in understanding this relationship and have completed the most advanced training through the Titleist Performance Institute. This connection between the body and the swing is crucial to optimizing your outcome with your rehab. It will be very difficult to create an effective rehab plan if you don't have an understanding of what is required of the body in the golf swing or if certain swing mechanics are contributing to the pain.
Get the Right Diagnosis
Arriving at the correct diagnosis can help identify the appropriate exercises for you. One of the best things to help you ease your pain is to do the right series of exercises for the root cause of your pain. The right exercises given to you by a seasoned physical therapist will help reduce pain and allow you to move freely again, AND make sure that the problems don't come back!
Seek Treatment for the Entire Body
The golf swing is a full body movement and all the parts of the body are connected during this. Just focusing on the painful area while neglecting the rest of the body will often times yield an unfavorable outcome. Often times the area of the pain is just the source, but the true underlying causes if often in a different area of the body. If you don't address this the pain will likely keep coming back. For example, lower back pain (the #1 injury in golf) is often the source of the pain, yet the root of the problem often is in the hips or mid back, even sometimes the ankles!
Get Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can offer a wide range of benefits to help get you out of pain and back to activity. We offer hands on therapy as well as tools such as dry needling and cupping to help with reducing pain and improving your mobility. We don’t believe in using this as the only means of your treatment, but it can be useful tool to decreasing your pain and getting you back to moving. Pain relief is just one aspect of the equation. We also believe in building up the resiliency of the body to help make sure your body is prepared for a round of golf.